
NJ Arts events and activities are made possible by the voluntary donation of skill, wisdom, finance and energy of all those who work with us to bring excellence in all we do.

If you would like to help out with anything from stage set up to publicising events, offering workshops or developing our network of diverse artists or audience do get in touch by email.

If you wish to partner with us financially you can do so by bank transfer to:-


Please ID your donation NJARTS so it can be assigned to the correct fund.


Send a cheque written to Citicare International Ltd, with a note on the back saying ‘for NJ Arts’.

Mail it to:  NJArts, Citicare International Ltd. CCC Edith Grove, Chelsea, London, SW10 0LB

Paypal it to

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If you are a UK tax payer you can increase your gift by 25%. Download the Gift Aid Form here!

Fill it out and don’t forget to mail it to us. Thank you.

Citicare International Ltd is company number 3601339 and registered charity no 1071064 in England and Wales